2022 State of WIC Toolkit
This toolkit accompanies the latest National WIC Association report, The State of WIC: Investing in the Next Generation. This second annual edition of the State of WIC report looks at WIC the past year, including the impact of the WIC benefit bump, remote WIC services, and the shift toward online shopping options.
Click HERE to view the toolkit.
First Anniversary of the American Rescue Plan Act Toolkit
This toolkit marks the first anniversary of the American Rescue Plan Act. This updated testimonial toolkit with graphics in various sizes to help agencies continue to promote the impact of the increased CVB benefit for participants.
Click HERE to view the toolkit.
#ExtendTheWICBump Feburary Tweetstorm Toolkit
This toolkit was used for a tweetstorm on February 3, 2022, to tell Congress to #ExtendTheWICBump before the continuing resolution expired on February 18 to ensure participants will not lose those critical benefits.
Click HERE to view the toolkit.
#ExtendTheWICBump December Testimonial Toolkit
The WIC benefit bump has changed participants' lives by making it easier for kids and families to access healthy veggies and fruits, but the increase is scheduled to end on March 31. Join NWA for a Tweetstorm on February 3 to tell Congress to #ExtendTheWICBump before the continuing resolution expires to ensure participants will not lose those critical benefits.
Click HERE to view the toolkit.
This toolkit was used for a tweetstorm on February 3, 2022, to tell Congress to #ExtendTheWICBump before the continuing resolution expired on February 18 to ensure participants will not lose those critical benefits.
Click HERE to view the toolkit.
#ExtendTheWICBump September Testimonial Toolkit
This toolkit was used for a tweetstorm on September 23, 2021, to tell Congress to #ExtendTheWICBump before the increased benefit expired on September 30 to ensure participants will not lose those critical benefits.
Click HERE to view the toolkit.
2021 National Breastfeeding Month Toolkit
This toolkit was used to promote and celebrate National Breastfeeding Month, held annually in August.
Click HERE to view the toolkit.
WIC Participant Testimonials for Cash Value Benefit Increase Toolkit
This toolkit is the inaugural CVB testimonial toolkit that was published in June 2021.
Click HERE to view the toolkit.
​WIC Food Package Report Toolkit
This toolkit accompanies the latest National WIC Association report, WIC Food Package: Impacts and Recommendations to Advance Nutrition Security. This report calls for a doubling of the value of the WIC food package, including a permanent increase in fruits and vegetables. It is a unified resource for WIC providers, administrators, and researchers showcasing WIC’s food package landscape, scientific nutrition recommendations, and NWA’s food package policy priorities.
Click HERE to view the toolkit.
#UnionStrong Toolkit
Labor unions have historically used the power of collective bargaining to demand many of the rights we now take for granted. Things like the 40-hour workweek, overtime pay, workplace safety regulations, and the right to organize and negotiate with employers are just a few examples of the rights that labor organizers of the early 1900s fought and died for.
Unions level the playing field for workers, giving them leverage against their employers so they can confront greedy bosses and executives as an organized front and demand equal treatment and pay.
Click HERE to view the toolkit.
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#RaiseTheWage Toolkit
Sixty-two percent of Americans favor raising the wage to $15 an hour because it has been proven that a higher minimum wage is good for workers, businesses, and the economy. As inflation continues to skyrocket, with over 1.1 million workers earning minimum wage or lower in the U.S., we can no longer wait to ensure workers receive fair wages for an honest day's work.
Join us as we urge the Senate to take action to give millions of Americans a long-overdue raise and lift struggling workers and their families out of poverty.
Click HERE to view the toolkit.
#SubPrimedDaily Toolkit
Sixty-two percent of Americans favor raising the wage to $15 an hour because it has been proven that a higher minimum wage is good for workers, businesses, and the economy. As inflation continues to skyrocket, with over 1.1 million workers earning minimum wage or lower in the U.S., we can no longer wait to ensure workers receive fair wages for an honest day's work.
Join us as we urge the Senate to take action to give millions of Americans a long-overdue raise and lift struggling workers and their families out of poverty.
Click HERE to view the toolkit.
#StopTheDeal Toolkit
The deadline for Elon Musk to reach a deal with Twitter over his acquisition of the company is approaching soon. If Musk's sale of Twitter goes through, the platform will become less transparent and beholden to the whims of a volatile, unpredictable billionaire.
Please join our partners and us as we stand against rampant wealth and power in our country by saying #StopTheDeal between Elon Musk and Twitter.
Click HERE to view the toolkit.
Twitter Content Examples
at Patriotic Millionaires
For 8 months, I was the social media manager at Patriotic Millionaires. I was responsible for creating content for all social channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn). Below are some graphics and tweet screenshots that I have created.
LINK to more graphics.